Greer Amps Tomahawk Deluxe Drive
From Greer:The Tomahawk Deluxe Drive is a great medium gain “second stage” overdrive pedal. This beauty barks and snarls, but it can also lean back and simply shift your tone just a bit. This pedal CAN RUN ON 9 AND 18 VOLTS. Now that we’ve addressed that, let’s talk about some of the characteristics of this pedal. This pedal has a purposeful EQ shift that puts it squarely in the “tweed” type tonal range. At 9 volts, it compresses slightly, like the big box tweed amps do, but still has some stiffness to it, just like those wonderful tone boxes did. At 18 volts, this beaut
y has increased headroom, AND becomes a bit more stiff, in a lovely way. The Tomahawk is a touch sensitive, dynamic recreation of this classic sound that has a natural and instantly familiar drive texture found on classic albums from so many genres. Grab a tomahawk and add this classic American tone to your tonal palette.

Greer Royal Velvet
Enclosure Dimensions (in): 4.77" x 2.6" x 1.39"
Power: 9-18 volt neg. center pin ONLY.
Current draw: 15mA @ 9v.
Greer Amps expands the XFR line with a new offering! The Royal Velvet Class-A British Drive and Pre nails the feel and tone of two of Nick Greer’s favorite amps. Imagine a world in which a V*x 30 watter and a Greer Thunderbolt30 got together. In that world, you’d end up with a sound machine much like the Royal Velvet. This British drive and pre features the same transformer as the previously released, award winning SOMA63. After a year of working with this super versatile transformer, we have found a way to alter the feel of it by changing the “loading” of the transformer. This really brings the pedal to life, and makes it something truly unique in the space of drive pedals today. If you’re looking for that Class-A British grind with some chime on the top end, this beauty is what you need. The EQ is dialed in right between the AC and Thunderbolt30 tones, and the drive is oh so sweet. At 9 volts, you’ll get some grind and slight compression with the gain up and moderate output pickups. 18 volts provides more of a stiff feel, and more clean headroom with that British sparkle!
Classic British tone, drive, and grind!
Features a steel core transformer!
Can be used as a preamp, and takes drives amazingly well (stack it--it sounds great when it's stacked with other drives)!
True Bypass!
Uses 9-Volt battery or standard neg. center, 2.1mm power supply.
Built with top quality components
Lifetime Warranty to the original owner!

Greer Soma 63 Vintage Preamp
Enclosure Dimensions (in): 4.77" x 2.6" x 1.39"
Power: 9-18 volt neg. center pin ONLY.
Current draw: 10mA @ 9v, 18mA @ 18V.
A brave new world of tone, the SOMA ‘63 Vintage Preamp is the first pedal in the XFR series of pedals from Greer Amps. The SOMA ’63 is a true vintage preamp, based on the tone and feel of vintage brown era amplifiers from California. This pedal simulates the entire preamp, phase inverter, power section, and even the feel of the vintage 10 inch Utah speakers that were in those famous brown amps. The tone stack is designed to provide a wide and dynamic range of tonal options to the user. The Presence control works with the tone stack, and is designed to be a wide range control, effecting the overall sound of the entire circuit. The SOMA ’63 features a steel core transformer in the audio signal path. The transformer lends to the overall tone shaping of the circuit, and when the gain is pushed hard, especially with higher output pickups, the small steel core transformer will saturate, just like a vintage amplifier. The SOMA ’63 can be used as a tone-shaping preamp, or as an overdrive pedal. There are a wide variety of tones available in the SOMA ’63, so spend some time with your new pedal, and find the tones that rock your world!
The SOMA ‘63 runs off of a standard, negative center pin 9 volt power supply, and can be ran off of up to 18 volts. At 9 volts, the SOMA ‘63 will have more grit and texture. At 18 volts, you can expect higher headroom, a bit stiffer response, and less overall grit. Greer Amps’ lifetime warranty covers manufacturing defects and component failure to the original owner, it does not cover misuse or abuse.

Greer Southland Harmonic Overdrive
Enclosure Dimensions (in): 4.77" x 2.6" x 1.39"
Power: 9-18 volt neg. center pin ONLY.
Current draw: 10mA @ 9v.
The Southland Harmonic Overdrive is built on the Lightspeed Organic Overdrive platform, we have developed what we believe to be the best overdrive on the market. The Lightspeed was built with the specific purpose of being a light to mild overdrive. The Southland is the next logical step for the Lightspeed platform—more gain, with two stages of clipping (utilizing different diode types for each stage of clipping), a focused midrange (not that annoying “hump”), and a bit of presence on top of the signal, to help cut through the mix. The Southland Harmonic Overdrive, like the Lightspeed, is touch sensitive, responds to pick attack, and has dynamics that just won’t stop. On top of that, we’ve selected a chip to drive the Southland that takes it to the next level.
The Southland Harmonic Overdrive will fit with any musical style, and pairs amazingly well with the Lightspeed Organic Overdrive. If you're looking for two pedals that stack amazingly well together, and can give you a rich, harmonics-filled overdrive tone, then it's time to get a Southland Harmonic Overdrive, AND a Lightspeed Organic Overdrive, today!!!
***NOTE***We've been getting quite a few questions, about whether or not the Southland and Lightspeed cover the same territory. The truth is that they don't. The revoicing of the circuit to have more of a focus on the mids, and more presence in the top end, as well as the increase in gain of the circuit, push the Southland to a place that the Lightspeed doesn't get to...one of the primary goals with the development of the Southland was to create a pedal that was different, AND would work well together with the Lightspeed. The combination of the Southland and the Lightspeed make for one of the most heavenly overdriven tones we've ever heard...and we're okay with that!
Amazing mild to medium overdrive and crunch!
Thick harmonics, amazing sustain!
Focused midrange (without the annoying hump), and extended presence range, to help cut through the mix!
True Bypass!
Uses 9-Volt battery or standard neg. center, 2.1mm power supply.
Built with top quality components
Lifetime warranty to the original owner!